What is Physical Disability?
Physical disability is a condition that affects the physical functioning of a person due to an impairment or disability. This can range from complete paralysis, partial paralysis, loss of muscle coordination, loss of limb, or even impairments in vision or hearing. It can also include conditions such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease. People with physical disabilities face many difficulties in their day-to-day lives, from accessing transportation to completing everyday tasks.
Types of Difficulties Faced by People with Physical Disabilities:
People with physical disabilities may face difficulty with mobility and access to public places and transportation such as not being able to climb stairs or enter certain buildings. They may have difficulty performing everyday tasks such as getting dressed, carrying groceries or navigating through different environments. They may struggle with activities of daily living like personal hygiene because they may need someone else’s assistance to do so safely and comfortably. Communication can be difficult if they are hard of hearing or visually impaired. They may have difficulty finding viable employment opportunities if their disability limits their capacity to perform certain tasks. Finally, emotional and social struggles can arise due to other people’s negative perceptions or behaviour towards them due to their disability.
Aeon Nursing Approach To Physical Disability:
At Aeon Nursing we provide comprehensive complex care services for people living with physical disabilities.